Cafec Flower Dripper Plastic 01
Flower Dripper
Clear Plastic
01 size
1-2 cups
Only 1 left in stock
Cafec Flower Dripper Clear Plastic 01
“Best form for Best flavor, Flower form”
The flower dripper keeps a deep filtering layer by making water circulation from the center to outside. To prevent the unpleasant taste from going into extracted coffee, faster and smoother water flow is required. After much research, CAFEC reached this ideal flower shape. Because water does not stay in the dripper, the amount of water poured in and drawn down is relatively the same.
Cone Shape
The Drippers cone-shape creates a deep filtering layer form which allows the water you pour in to evenly circulate in the dripper. This circulation helps to allow the water to reach all the coffee grounds so that the coffee becomes smooth and bodied. The shape also includes a wide handle for easier grip and a balanced hold.
Flower ribs
The ribs do not only create aesthetic appeal for the user but have a purpose. Made by creating indentations in the inner wall allowing a layer of air to be kept between the paper and the dripper. This helps the coffee expand better and not be restricted and also helps the brew to pass through.
Single Hole
A single hole at the center of the bottom of the brewer creates a deep filtering layer that aids in the extraction of coffee flavors. The bottom of the hole is ribbed to create flow paths for the coffee which allows for stability in coffee extraction.
Brews up to 2 cups
Cafec Philippines, Cafec Manila, Cafec Coffeenow
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